
It is our aim to:

  • Provide quality care in a warm accepting environment for children 0 - 10 years of age.

  • Enhance the child's self concept with care and understanding to a point where the child becomes confident enough to explore, investigate and practice skills.

  •  Provide support and encouragement to parents.

  • Plan and implement programs and activities that are responsive to the individual needs and interest of the total child.

  • Provide activities conducive to the development of the social, emotional, physical, intellectual and creative needs of the child.

  • Serve as a referral source to other professional agencies in the community.

  • Promote the child care Profession.


Program Goals:

  • To provide a child care service alternative for children 0-10 years.

  • To ensure that appropriate standards are maintained in the Family Day Homes.

  • To encourage training in Early Childhood Development to enhance the care giving skills of care providers.

  • To encourage families and the community to work together in the care of young children.

  • To promote the Family Day Home Program.