How to Choose A Family Day Home:

  • After receiving and reviewing your application we will connect you with Provider(s) that have available space and should fill your requirements. You will contact the provider and schedule an interview in the day home.

  • Some things to consider when interviewing Family Day Home providers are:

  • How your child reacts in the home - does he/she explore freely and feel comfortable in the environment

  • How you communicate with the provider and how she communicates with you

  • Ask about the meals and activities the providers plan (Menus will be posted)

  • Consider the distance from your home, school or place of employment

  • Make sure to have a tour of where your child will be playing, eating and sleeping (if applicable)

  • Ask the provider about their child behaviour management practices

  • Share your parenting style and wishes for your child

  • The decision to chose a day home is a mutual one made between the family and Day Home provider